sábado, 21 de novembro de 2009

Novidades do Cinema de Omar

O filme The Sentimental Engine Slayer já tem data e local de estreia marcada: 5 de Fevereiro de 2010, no Festival de Cinema de Roterdão. Faz parte da selecção oficial do festival.

Circula também uma sinopse:
The Sentimental Engine Slayer tells the compelling, confounding tale of the overdue coming of age of a twenty-something misfit named Barlam. Barlam's awkward transition from boy to man is as much the story of struggling to find one's essence in a world of stereotypes as it is an indictment of the distorted reality of family life in the disengaged 21st century. A bottom-rung grocery bagger whose neo-incestuous relationship with his addict sister, Natalia, causes him no small amount of grief and disillusionment, Barlam seeks solace in the convoluted wisdom of what few male peers are available, namely his androgynous, alcoholic boss, Oscar, and the sister's simple-minded boyfriend, Zack. Seeking an explanation as to the strange circumstances of his apparent lack of family structure, as well as the respect from others fundamentally absent in his mundane model-building existence, Barlam is soon led astray amid a seedy underworld of prostitutes, hustlers and addicts. The labyrinthine plot soon begs questioning as to where reality ends and fantasy begins, Barlam shifting effortlessly between hapless punching bag, assertive surrogate father figure, and rage-prone psychopath.

E também o elenco completo:
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Barlam
Tatiana Velazquez - Natalia
Nomar Riza - Oscar
Kim Stodel - Zack
Rikardo Rodriguez Lopez - Riko
Angel Marcelo Rodriguez Chevrez - Father
Marcel Rodriguez Lopez - Tap Prostitute 1
Becky Vigil - Mesa Inn Prostitute
Astrid Magallon - Angel
Daniel De La Mar - Card Player 1
Chris Salcedo - Card Player 2
Valentin Merz - Tap Prostitute 2
Sonny Kay - Police Officer 1
Bud William Allen - Repairman
Ramon Villa - Pimp

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